2006-10-02 10:49:14 UTC
Well,I don't how to write protecionismo in English,but it is when Jacques Chirac protects a big part of your country's trade and industry taxing goods from other countries like Brazil mainly in the agriculture, just the best area of our country.Your president and the G-8 are against the free trade in the word so defended by the "TWO"(trade word organization).I respect your opnion, but I think that we should to see the word like only one country!It would to be very beutiful,isn't it?I think that if there are poor countries in the word, the most part of the guilty is by the wealth countries.The best form of the word to grow economicaly is helping each other.I think that with this your action it doesn't good sense you doesn't like USA... Well, i like very much France and I hope that this problens improve quikly.One big hug to you.